Thursday, 23 January 2014

Classes, Objects, and QuickTest !!!!!!!!!

VBScript is considered to be "object-based", meaning you can use classes, and those classes can have methods and members, but you can't get nearly the kind of re-use and extensibility you could out of a real OOP language. You don't get inheritance, you don't get polymorphism. In short, you get encapsulation, and that's about it. To me that's pretty important, the abilty to wrap up a bunch of common functions and attributes into a single entity called "an object" and throw it around kinda like you would in Java or Ruby. It allows me to create (instantiate) an object in line 10, then count on it being persisted three levels deep and 200 lines later, and never need to look inside the box to find out how it works.
I'll give some code first.
I'm using VBScript classes right now to model our AUT and make the code prettier. For example, if I want to create a user, it looks like this:
View as plain text
Visual Basic:
LoginProfile "ADMIN"
Set user = NewUser()
user.create(“marcus”, “password”)

This snippet opens a browser, logs in as an administrator, creates a new User object (basically a variable that holds attributes about a user), then uses that data (if I had supplied any) to actually create user from within the GUI. After the user is created and declared "valid", I call the "addRole()" method off of the same user. The User object knows how to fill out all the form fields. It knows how to add a role through the security interface. How? That's the beauty: I don't have to know. Someone else can develop the library of objects and maintain it, and all I have to know how to do is invoke it.
I know, I know, it's the same with functions. Yes, it is. But here they're all wrapped up together. Consider this:
View as plain text
Visual Basic:
Set userGuest = NewUser()
userGuest.create(“guest”, “password”)
Later, if I want to know the name of that user, I can just ask the object:
View as plain text
Visual Basic:
sName = userGuest.FirstName

Rather than have to code up a function to go and look it up somewhere. It's the persistance of data between states that I'm most interested in. The lack of inheritance and polymorphism is bad, but the most important problems are solved.
Here's the problem: in QTP, you don't just have the limitations of VBScript, you also have some severe limitations built in to (or rather "excluded from") QTP.
The class declaration (in a file called User.vbs) looks like this:
View as plain text
Visual Basic:
Class User
Private sUserID
Public Function Init ( aOptions )
'do some proprietary stuff
End Function
Public Function create ( sUserName, sPassword )
'do some proprietary stuff
End Function
End Class

Public Function NewTigerUser ( aOptions )
Set NewTigerUser = new User
NewTigerUser.Init ( aOptions )
End Function

The first limitation:
That last function is there because QTP doesn't have the ability to use classes from external vbs files within the function libraries. You must give the test script access to the above function, which has access to the class, in order for your test script to be able to "see" the class.
The second limitation:
There's a bug in QTP where you can't, no matter what you do, use the debugger to step through class functions. That was almost a showstopper for me when doing this, before I learned just how few of me teammates use the debugger. When I found out I was the only one I decided that for the greater good, OO was a good direction to go in, if for no other reason than to make the code seem more familiar to us non-VBScript types.
So, in short, it's possible for us to get what we need to when we confront OO concepts, but we're severely limited by VBScript as well as Mercury. I'll submit defects on both of these issues, but I'm not sure whether I'd be optimistic about my chances. We seem to be the only ones trying to do this. Let me know if you know different!

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