The Advanced
User Interactions API is a new, more comprehensive API for describing
actions a user can perform on a web page. Normally we need to find elements and then
send actions through them. If we need to perform complex tasks like hold down Control and click, then this may not work.The Advanced User Interactions allows us to build these complex interactions with elements in a really nice API. The API relies on two key interfaces for this to work.
actions a user can perform on a web page. Normally we need to find elements and then
send actions through them. If we need to perform complex tasks like hold down Control and click, then this may not work.The Advanced User Interactions allows us to build these complex interactions with elements in a really nice API. The API relies on two key interfaces for this to work.
The keyboard
interface allows keys to be pressed, held down, and released.
It also allows for normal typing.
It also allows for normal typing.
Methods available are:
sendKeys(CharSequence... keysToSend): Similar to the
sendKeys(...) method.
pressKey(Keys keyToPress): Sends a key press only, without releasing it.
Should only be
implemented for modifier keys (Control, Alt, and Shift).
releaseKey(Keys keyToRelease): Releases a modifier key.
The mouse
interface allows for mouse clicks, double clicks, context clicks,
as well as moving the mouse to a specific point or to a specific element on the page.
as well as moving the mouse to a specific point or to a specific element on the page.
Methods available are:
1)void click(WebElement onElement): Similar to the existing click() method
doubleClick(WebElement onElement): Double-clicks an
mouseDown(WebElement onElement): Holds down the left mouse
on an element
mouseUp(WebElement onElement): Releases the mouse button
on an element
mouseMove(WebElement toElement): Move (from the current
to another
mouseMove(WebElement toElement, long xOffset, long yOffset):
Move (from the
current location) to new coordinates
(X coordinates of toElement+ xOffset, Y coordinates of toElement + yOffset)
(X coordinates of toElement+ xOffset, Y coordinates of toElement + yOffset)
7) void
contextClick(WebElement onElement): Performs a
context-click (rightclick)
on an element These methods are useful to know but when working and creating a sequence of it, it is better to use the Actions chain generator and then call perform on that class.
The Actions
class allows us to build a chain of actions that we
would like to perform.
This means
that we can build up a nice sequence, for example "Press Shift and
type and
release", or if we wanted to work with a select that allows multiple
selects, we could
press Shift
and then do the necessary clicks.
Time for action – selecting multiple items on a select
1 Open up inteliij and create a new Selenium WebDriver
2. WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
//WebElement select = driver.findElement(By.tagName("select"));
WebElement select = driver.findElement("selectWithMultipleEqualsMultiple"));
List<WebElement> options = select.findElements(By.tagName("option"));
Action multipleSelect = builder.keyDown(Keys.SHIFT)
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