Agile Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) gains more and more momentum.with Agile, or finding a pragmatic approach to ALM at all. Meanwhile, more and more tool vendors find it helpful to label their tools to be Agile tools
or even Agile ALM tools. But what is Agile ALM? In my opinion, ALM synthesizes technical and functional elements to provide a comprehensive approach to common project activities and phases, addressing
build, configuration, deployment, release, test, quality, integration, and requirements management, see Figure 1.
With its interdisciplinary approach, Agile ALM integrates project roles, project phases and artifact types.
An Agile ALM enriches an ALM with agile values and strategies. An agile approach to ALM improves product quality, reduces time to market, and makes for
happier developers. My definition of Agile ALM results in processes and tool chains that are flexible, open to change and high in quality.
This is one of the ways in which ALM helps to provide structure for Agile.
Figure 1. ALM addresses different disciplines and development phases.
Some underlying aspects of Agile ALM are not completely new, and you should respect all the different struggles from previous decades, and put results together to get the best solution for today: in my opinion, ALM evolved from software configuration management (SCM), that in turn has its root in basic version control. You should define your processes and your requirements first, before selecting the tools that best
fit the given task.
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Above all, Agile ALM is a discipline and a mental approach. Working with Agile ALM should start with values and people as
well as concepts behind it. An Agile ALM tool is an ALM tool that fosters an agile process.
An Agile ALM tool must be able to add value to the system and improve the collaboration of the stakeholders.
In my opinion, an Agile ALM tool chain must implement the building blocks of Agile ALM, such as continuous integration (including continuous inspection and
continuous deployment), functional/technical releasing, stakeholder focus (and collaborative development) and task-based development.
Many projects feel comfortable with an orchestration of single best of breed tools. Integrating lightweight, configurable tools into flexible tool chains results in a mashup of tools that exactly offer
the features that are needed to solve a given task.
Agile ALM tools should have an open architecture that enables you to add further tools or functionality. Relying on lightweight tool chains can improve flexibility dramatically
because you can replace small units of the overall infrastructure easily without questioning other parts of that infrastructure. Now let's discuss some of the important building blocks of Agile ALM, and start with
task-based development.
Task-based development
With a task-based approach, the task is the unit of interaction and the base of work. Task-based development is the technique of traceably linking work items
to the specific set of changes that was made to complete the work item. One example use case can look like this: you are working on a task that
is listed in your ticket system and has the unique identifier AGILEALM-9
. Your IDE (e.g. Eclipse, with Mylyn) is integrated with the
ticket system (e.g. JIRA). The CI server Jenkins integrates with JIRA, with the version control system (VCS) and with the component repository (e.g.
Artifactory) to make the progress of work and the dependencies of artifacts and work items transparent. With Jenkins, together with Artifactory, you can drive staged builds in order to deploy the release
to higher staging environments, without re-building the release ("build once, run everywhere"). Figure 2 shows how Jenkins integrates with
other tools. Zoomed in to a build result page in Jenkins, it is easy to navigate to the VCS (to look at the underlying changes), to the ticket system (to work on the
task) and to the component repository (to work on the binaries).
Figure 2. The CI server Jenkins integrates with VCS, ticket system and component repository.
Collaborative development
Software development is all about implementing requirements. The requirement is the central unit and the driver of a software release. Approaches like unit testing (to
validate that the right thing is developed correctly) and acceptance tests (to validate that the right thing is developed) are not new. But in the past, these approaches have often been
handled in an isolated or puristic way. Instead, a comprehensive, pragmatic solution should be prefered that focuses on the requirement itself, always having all stakeholders in mind.
You can use dedicated, lightweight tools to write acceptance tests, such as Fit. Or you can use specialized languages. Scala and Groovy, both languages offer interesting features for
setting up a polyglot ecosystem, leveraging existing platforms by providing solutions that involve special purpose languages. With Scala and Groovy, you can write tests, which helps
to overcome various barriers:
- Barriers between project phases and project activities (because coding and testing move together more closely)
- Barriers between artifact types (because code and executable specifications are written on the same unified infrastructure)
- Barriers between project roles (because tests are written collaboratively, with mechanisms to use terms close to the problem domain)
- Barriers between tools (because the same tools are used for programming and testing)
The following simple example gives you an impression of how it can look like to write acceptance tests with Scala and the specs2 library.
package alm
import org.specs2._
class AccSpec extends Specification { def is =
"This is a specification to check the 'Agile ALM' string" ^
"The 'Agile ALM' string should" ^
"start with 'Agile'" ! e1^
"end with 'ALM'" ! e2^
def e1 = "Agile" must startWith("Agile")
def e2 = "Agile ALM" must endWith("ALM")
The defined is
method lists specification fragments which are either simple text (description of the target system), an example (including exectuable code that
returns a result) or a formatting fragment (the p
for adding a blank line and starting a new block). Fragments are separated and linked by the ^
For more details on specs2, see
Release management
Release management comprises producing software artifacts and releasing those artifacts according to a defined process. Release management can be differentiated into a functional and a
technical part. To deliver software successfully, both parts are important and should be integrated with each other. Automation and continuous integration are crucial facets of the software
release and delivery process.
Functional release management
Functional release management involves picking the customer's requirements, assigning them to releases and delivering the functionality to the customer, in
high quality. Often agile practices are used to support this process, and many projects achieve good results from using the management template Scrum. While defining a thin set
of rules, Scrum fosters discipline and makes defects (in software as well as in the process) visible. But Scrum is too abstract to apply it "out of the
book". You must implement Scrum and adopt it for software engineering. Implementation practices, for instance, may include distinguishing between special development phases,
on a micro level, inside a Scrum release: during a release, you may think about closing the develoment phase with a frozen zone which allows developers to only work on bug fixes,
instead of new features. Another helpful option is to use code freeze intervals, to complete and ship the final release.
Technical release management
Technical releasing consists of building the software and providing the final product to the user. Build management (comprised of compiling scripts, and packaging and distributing components)
is essential for Agile ALM. Technical release management describes activities to identify configuration items, track and audit changes on requirements and configuration items
and integrate and deliver the implementation. In software engineering change is more the rule than the exception. Because requirements change, it is important to keep the requirements in
sync with their implementations. Possible gaps between functional and technical release management should be bridged. Strategies like VCS hooks help to marry both parts of release management.
Continuous integration (including continuous inspection and continuous deployment)
To automate manual steps means results are delivered in an objective and reproducible way.
Automating the most error-prone, most repetitive and most time-consuming activities is essential. Continuous integration (CI) is the automation of the build, test
and release process and has the goal of integrating the activities of colleagues and the work items others produce.
This can result in a build ecosystem where a new code commit directly triggers a continuous build including compile, technical tests, audits, package, functional tests and deployment.
All different artifact types, platforms and languages, should be integrated, e.g. Java (Groovy, Scala, ..), .NET, PHP and Cobol, using an unified tool infrastructure, see Figure 3. If no native build system exists for a respective language/platform, non-native build technologies can be used to include these artifact types in the CI farm.
Figure 3. A comprehensive CI ecoystem that integrates different artifact types, on an unified infrastructure.
In a continuous integration process, build reports and notifiers should be in place, and information should be shared and aggregated. Aggregating information means that the integrated tool chain
spans the whole, heterogenous ecosystem. This enables the stakeholders to "zoom in" where needed, to get more information where necessary, and make knowledge out of information.
Examples for this are: given a specific build, you can browse to the underlying changes in the VCS, or: collect all produced binaries in the component repository that belong together
semantically, in order to perform operations on them as a group.
Agile ALM spans many disciplines in software engineering. Agile ALM is about people and strategies, and implementing these strategies with lightweight tool chains.
Agile ALM helps to provide structure for Agile and helps to approach ALM in a determined, pragmatic way. Using an Agile approach to ALM, you'll profit from a quicker win and better results.
There is a lot more to say, but I hope this article gave you an impression about what Agile ALM is, and what I desribe in much more depth in my book "Agile ALM".